In spite of the fact that the hosting service offered by the different companies is almost the same, every provider has a customized platform with its own modifications and different ways to do given procedures. In this situation, an information-stuffed knowledge base would be really helpful both for people with little or no previous experience and for technically capable individuals who will sooner or later learn how certain tasks are completed, but will waste some time in the process. The objective of such a knowledge base is to make the hosting service fast and simple to use, saving users lots of time and efforts. The outcome is more satisfied clients, as they can quickly find the information they require, and substantially less work for the client care team representatives, because usually most of the inquiries and problems that customers have got are already outlined in the knowledge base. Given that the articles themselves are adequately written and encompass more things, you will be able to find out more not only about your own account, but also about the web hosting service in general.

Extensive Online Documentation in Hosting

Our hosting packages include an in-depth knowledge base where you can find information about all the difficulties that you might face and their resolutions. You can acquaint yourself with how to create and administer an electronic mailing list, how to use an .htaccess configuration file, or how to continue if the settings of your email client are accurate, but nevertheless you are unable to send emails, for example. We have tried our absolute best to be as exhaustive as possible and to cover all possible options in order to help you save time and efforts and to provide you with different solutions for each and every issue. The knowledge base includes educative articles as well – both general ones about the web hosting service as a whole, and more specific ones, which will let you in on the features and functions of the Hepsia Control Panel. You can find relevant articles about particular functions and features in each Control Panel section, whilst if you wish to see the whole archive of articles, you should go to the all-encompassing Help section.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our company’s semi-dedicated servers come bundled with an elaborate online article repository where you can find any information that you might require about our hosting services or about the Hepsia Control Panel that we use. We have compiled it based on the feedback that we’ve gathered from our clients through the years and, as a result, our articles touch upon particular issues that you could face and include the best means of repairing them, for example getting an HTTP 500 error message or being unable to send emails from your PC even though you have the right settings. The articles are available in every single section of the Control Panel and you can consult them at any time. They can help you deepen your knowledge not only about our services, but also about the web hosting sphere in general, as they include comprehensive guidelines and general info such as what cron jobs or file access permissions are.