The term e-mail forwarding describes a message being forwarded from a recipient address towards a third-party address that isn't listed as a recipient. For instance, a client sends an e-mail from their personal mailbox to and as far as they are concerned, this is actually the only receiver. If there is an active forwarding, the e-mail could be forwarded to, for instance, even though the customer never meant the message to be sent there and may not be aware about the presence of this mail box. There are various reasons for applying such forwarding. For example, if you've numerous email addresses it is possible to forward all of them to a single email address, which can make checking email messages less difficult and will allow you to receive emails and respond to them quickly. The feature could also be used if a number of people should receive a copy of an email message delivered to a standard mailbox.

E-mail Forwarding in Hosting

It really is easy to set up forwarding for any email set up inside a hosting account with our company. You can do this either when you set up a new email address via your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or at any time in the future since the forwarding may be enabled and disabled for any active email address with just a couple of mouse clicks. You can also decide if a copy of the inbound messages will be maintained on our servers, which is a pretty useful option. This can be a fail-safe if the remote mailbox is not available for some cause, not mentioning that you'll also have a copy of all emails. When this option is not activated for a specific email address on our end, an incoming e-mail will be received and sent forward, so absolutely no record of it will stay on the server. In case the remote mailbox is down temporarily, you will lose this e-mail.

E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Servers

Forwarding an e mail address hosted in our system will be very easy in case you have a semi-dedicated server package with us and will also not require you more than a few clicks to create. You can do this through the Emails part of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and you will be able to keep track of the mailboxes which are being forwarded and where the emails will be sent with a glance. The option can be enabled and disabled for any of the mailboxes in your account. You can also activate or deactivate a helpful feature we have - a backup of the emails being relayed through our servers can stay on the server. By doing this, you'll also have a copy of your incoming e-mails and you will not have to concern yourself with loss of any info. If you keep this feature disabled, you run the risk of losing e-mails when there is an issue with the remote email address.