Every time you upload a file on a web hosting server, it requires a certain amount of space on the hdd dependent on its particular overall size. When you operate a script-driven internet site which saves its info in a database, it will require more space, the more people make use of it. For example, if you have a discussion board, the greater amount of opinions people leave, the greater the database will be. Messages, especially ones using attachments, also take some space in the web hosting account. The HDD space quota you get with any hosting supplier is the amount of data you could have at any given moment, which contains website files, emails plus databases. Similarly, a computer has a hard drive and the software programs installed on it and all the documents and music files that you make or download require some disk space, which can't exceed the full capacity of your hard disk.

Disk Space in Hosting

In order to match the processing potential behind our cloud web hosting plans, we've thought over and implemented the best possible alternative for the disk space - your hosting account is not created using just one server, but using a cluster platform. As a result, what we've built is a large group of servers which is focused on the file storing only, so you should never concern yourself with running out of HDD space and having to migrate to another server as your present one is unable to accommodate more content. If more space is needed, we just attach extra machines to our cluster, so the hard disk space is inexhaustible. Needless to say, all our hosting plans were made to be employed for websites, not for an archive of large files. We have different machines for the databases and the email messages.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

All of our semi-dedicated server plans have "disk space" as a characteristic simply to stress that it is really unrestricted. We're able to achieve that by employing an innovative, in-house made cloud hosting platform, where your databases, files and emails will be stored on individual clusters of servers. We can easily add additional hard disk drives or entire servers to all of the clusters and whenever necessary, and what's more our web hosting Control Panel was designed to support this type of platform. In comparison, nearly all Control Panels on the hosting market can function only on one server, and in spite of what a large number of providers advertise, they really set up a multitude of accounts on a single machine. Employing a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you will never have to concern yourself with disk storage limits and you will be able to direct your attention to expanding your websites.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

For our VPS hosting plans, we provide ample disk storage for all your content that matches the rest of the server features, which means that a higher plan has a higher allowance. You can use the storage space as you see fit, because there're no particular allowances for your website files, emails or databases - all of them share the whole storage space on the server. Yet, if you prefer to have some restrictions, you'll be able to get your VPS package with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, then you will be able to generate website hosting accounts with a fixed volume of disk storage for each domain name that you host on your server. In case you'd like to have additional storage space at some time, you will be able to easily boost your plan with several clicks then the extra characteristics will be included with your current account, so that you won't be required to move anything and your sites will always be operational.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

With our dedicated web hosting plans you'll get all of the hard disk space that you may need for your websites, databases, e-mail messages and applications. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be accessible and not shared with anyone else, which means that you will be able to upload all of the data you'll need - web site files, personal or company archive backup copies, and many more. You'll have at least two separate hard disks that work in RAID, so one of the drives will mirror the other one in real time to ensure that your precious data is always backed up. If you prefer, you can use the hard drives independent of each other and make use of the whole storage space the way you see fit. If needed, it is possible to get extra hard disk drives connected to your server and get even greater storage space. You will have the option to make hosting accounts with pre-defined hdd storage allocations when you obtain your server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the web hosting Control Panel. Picking Hepsia, which is the 3rd Control Panel option on the order page, all domain names hosted on your server will share the hard disk storage space and they'll be controlled through a single account. Either way, our dedicated plans will meet all your requirements whatever the kind of site you wish to host.