All arithmetical and logical procedures in a computer/server configuration are tackled by its Central Processing Unit, or CPU. This hardware component is oftentimes called the "brains" of the personal computer also. The pace at which the CPU completes system instructions is usually referred to as its speed and it's measured in Hertz. The quicker the processing unit is, the more quickly scripts and web apps shall be executed, even though the general performance of the latter depends on other things too - the read/write speed of the hard disk drive, the amount of physical memory, the network connection, and many others. All newer CPUs have numerous cores, which work together. Therefore, the efficiency and the workload a CPU can manage increase, due to the fact that each core can process several tasks independently and numerous cores can handle 1 task which can't be processed by one core.

CPU Share in VPS Servers

The CPU speeds offered by our VPS hosting plans vary greatly and you can choose the VPS with the most suitable system resources for your websites. In case you need a VPS for a single Internet site that doesn't have a great deal of visitors, for example, you can buy a low-end plan, which will also be cheaper compared to the high-end solutions which include substantial CPU quotas and that may easily match a dedicated server. We set up just a few VPS accounts on very efficient web servers with 16-core processors, so the CPU share you will get with your new package deal will be guaranteed at all times and the performance of your server shall not be affected by other virtual accounts on the exact same physical server. Upgrading from one plan to another takes a couple of mouse clicks through the billing Control Panel and the additional CPU share shall be allotted to your account immediately.

CPU Share in Dedicated Servers

The dedicated server solutions that we provide feature various hardware configurations, so that you can pick the most suitable one for your Internet sites or programs. The processor for each and every package is different too - the most powerful package comes with a 12-core processor that will offer you remarkable script execution speeds, even if your scripts are extremely heavy and a lot of people access and use them simultaneously. The CPU is carefully tested alongside all the other parts which we use to build each new dedicated server, in order to make sure that the machine shall work faultlessly all of the time. We'll do this before we give you access to it, since we will never make a compromise with the quality of any of the hardware components we use. The speeds that you see on our site are guaranteed for every single one of the packages.